The Importance of Downpipes and When to Upgrade

Posted on: 11 November 2021

Your home's rainwater downpipes perform a critical function. Without them, your home and property could suffer from water damage. When your downpipes are inadequate or need repair, you could have problems. Here is more information about the importance of downpipes, and the signs yours need repair or an upgrade.

How do downpipes work?

Downpipes protect your home by collecting and releasing rainwater and moving it away from your home. The water goes down the pipe, and a splash block or channel directs it away from your foundation. When this system works well, your roof, siding and the ground around your home stay in good condition. When you have problems, you could end up with a soggy roof or a pool of water around your home.

What are common downpipe problems?

There are generally two types of downpipe problems. The first problem is if your gutters aren't sufficient or working right, then the downpipe won't work right. If your gutter is too small or full of debris, water can overflow over the side and onto your home's exterior walls.

The other problem is when the downpipes are the ones not working right. If they have cracks, the water will not be directed to the right location. The water will flow out through the cracks instead of down to the ground. Dents can be just as bad as a debris clog and cause a water back-up.

How does one maintain downpipes?

Maintenance of your downpipe mostly means keeping it clean and in good condition. Also, make sure your downpipe stays aligned with your gutter. Sometimes bad storms can cause them to shift and come apart where they meet the gutter base. You should have gutter and downpipe checks during your annual roof inspection. If your gutter system is decades old, consider replacing it.

When does one need more downpipes?

If your gutters seem to overflow despite good maintenance, then you may need more downpipes or a gutter system upgrade. Large roofs with deep slopes tend to have a lot of runoff. If the home builders didn't build an adequate gutter system, then upgrade it. You can try larger gutters, larger downpipes or more downpipes.

Since your downpipes are an important part of your gutter system, make sure they stay in good shape. Damaged downpipes could cause enough problems to damage other parts of your home. Inadequate downpipes can also be a big problem. When you need help with your gutters and downpipes, contact a roofing contractor for information and help.
